Regional & Film commission fund
All Italian regional authorities have set up local film commissions. These can, in the first instance, be very useful for location scouting, to obtain shooting permits, to negotiate reasonable travel and accommodation expenses and so on.
But there is more. A number of regions are also awarding grants, provided, of course, that you shoot on location and that you score certain points on the cultural/nationality qualifying scale.
Again, this can be easily arranged via an Italian co-producer or line producer.
Here is a complete list of ports of call, followed by a more in-depth analysis of the regions where financial help can be obtained over and above the usual facilitations.
Apulia Film Commission | Local Film Fund
Antonella Gaeta – Chief Executive Officer
Apulia Film Commission (AFC) was born in 2007 and aims to attract audiovisual production companies by providing subsidies to lower the costs of preparation, production and post-production of the projects shot in Puglia.
It has four funds: Apulia National and International Film Fund, Apulia Regional Film Fund, Apulia Hospitality Fund, Apulia Development Fund, for a total endowment of € 3,5 million euros in 2014.
Until now AFC has financed 163 productions and produced 14 shorts and documentaries, which have been premiered and awarded at international festivals. 57 out of the financed productions are feature films and 20 are international.
Recently AFC has financed the TV serie, “Braccialetti Rossi”, adapted from the successful Catalan TV show “Polseras Vermelles”. “Braccialetti Rossi” has been the audience leader TV programme of the Italian national broadcasting company. Steven Spielberg & Marta Kauffman will bring the US remake of the TV serie, called “The Red Band Society” to American audience.
International Film Fund- (
The Apulia Film Commission supports film and audiovisual production companies with
direct funding in the form of a free grant to contribute towards the costs of preparation,
production and post-production for audiovisual projects shot entirely or partially in Apulia.
The Apulia Film Fund is allocated following a public selection procedure on an ongoing basis until the funding for any given period is entirely assigned. The film commission will then need to wait for further funding from the regional authorities.
Applications are accepted from Italian, European and non-European production and
co-production companies.
The fund can amount to 25% of the budget spent on the territory of Apulia, with a cap at 250.000 euros for feature films, TV movies, web series. The cap stands at 40.000 euros for documentaries.
The AFC funding is in the form of a free grant and is VAT-exempt, as provided by law.
An advance sum of 20% of the grant is allocated at the start of shooting with the outstanding 80% allocated at the end of shooting subject to financial statements certifying that at least 200% of the fund allocated was spent in Apulia and that part of the cast and crew were of Apulian origin.
Applying companies need to have 60% of the film’s budget already in place.
Moreover, regulations establish minimum shooting times in Apulia which vary depending on the production category. Full length feature films and TV films and series must guarantee 3 weeks of shooting; the minimum for documentaries (including docu-fictions and mockumentaries) is 2 weeks. For videogames and animation films, 2 months of post-production at an Apulian company are required. For shorts, beneficiaries must guarantee at least 4 working days in Apulia (2 working days in the case of videoclips).
Hospitality Fund – (
It is worthwhile filming in Apulia. In addition to free grants offered by the Film Fund, permanent facilities for use free of charge, local Production Guide assistance, two Cineport hubs and the services of leading Apulian technical companies, the Apulia Film Commission also offers funding to contribute to the costs of board and accommodation in Apulia.
This is Hospitality Funding.
It can be requested alongside the production grant, buti t is subject to a submission deadline which varies from year to year.
Hospitality Funding can be used to cover (entirely or partially) costs incurred directly by the film production company in Apulia for specific expenses such as accommodation, board (restaurants, catering, packed meals) and travel and transport within the regional area (including vehicle hire).
Hospitality Funding is available up to a maximum amount of 200,000 euro for full length feature films, TV films or TV series, 20,000 euro for documentaries and 15,000 euro for shorts and videoclips.
The fund can cover up to 60% of the board and accomodation expenses sustained in Apulia.
Ph: +39 080.9752900 Fax: +39 080.9147464
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BLS Südtirol Alto Adige | Local Film Fund
Film Fund – (
The Film Fund & Commission department of BLS promotes South Tyrol as an ideal location for film and television productions. The service is also readily available to directors and producers who choose to film in South Tyrol.
South Tyrol, or Alto Adige in Italian and Südtirol in German, is the northernmost region in Italy. The autonomous province shares a border with Austria and is bilingual: Italian and German are both official languages.
With an annual budget of currently 5 million euro, the South Tyrolean Film Fund is one of the largest of its kind in Italy. The primary goal of the South Tyrolean Film Fund is the structural development of the local film infrastructure in South Tyrol, not the development and advertisement of the territory as a tourist destination. That said, BLS take into special consideration planned investments in South Tyrol which contribute to the strengthening and further development of the region as a media location.
The South Tyrolean Film Fund supports film and television projects of all genres in the form of grants, with particular focus placed on co-productions between the Italian and German-speaking markets.
Three different types of funding support are available:
production funding,
separate production preparation funding,
combined funding for production preparation and actual production.
Funding is awarded to a maximum of 1.5 million euro per project on the basis of a “local spend” of 150% in reference to the corresponding funding amount. Exceptions are made for projects with a strong reference to South Tyrol.
BLS generally supports documentary films which are at least 30 minutes in length, television films and series which are at least 45 minutes in length, and theatrical features which are at least 80 minutes in length.
Support is granted independently of the location of the production company submitting the application. Submitted funding applications are evaluated solely on cultural and economic criteria. As a rule, only production companies are eligible to submit applications for funding.
Christiana Wertz – Head of Film Fund & Commission
Ph: +39 0471.066625 Fax: +39 0471.066853
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Film Commission Roma & Lazio
Luciano Sovena – President
Cristina Priarone – General Manager
Ph: +39 06.72286320 Fax: +39 06.7221127
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Lazio Region | Local Film Fund – Lazio Region
The Regional Fund is the financial instrument under the strategic regional law for cinema and the audiovisual that aims at supporting one of the strategic sectors for the economy and the competitiveness of the Lazio Region. For the period from 2011 to 2013 it had a total budget of 45 million euros and is currently being refinanced.
• Italian and foreign production companies of films and / or audiovisual products
Eligibility Requirements
Cinematographic and audiovisual works:
a) recognized as "cultural product”;
b) whose production budget "below the line" has been spent on the territory of Lazio for a percentage greater than or equal to 40% (or 20%, in the case in which the investment in the territory is greater than € 2 mln)
The terms of the grant
• up to 10% of eligible costs (expenses "below the line" in the Lazio region, in addition to the costs of the Lazio region crew outside the territory of the region, and the overhead in Lazio) for audiovisual works;
• up to 13% of eligible costs for films.
• +2% for works:
a) of regional interest,
b) independent producers,
c) for research and experimentation of new forms of interactive multimedia;
• +5% for co-productions;
• up to 50% of eligible costs for the works with a budget of less than € 50 thousand.
Maximum grant
• € 500,000 for cinematographic works;
• € 750,000 for audiovisual works.
Friuli Venezia Giulia Film Commission | Local Film Fund
FVG Film Fund supports audiovisual works through direct allocations. According to the length of the filming period in the region, grants reach up to a maximum of 150.000 Euros.
Added value are the usual useful and free services provided by the Film Commission, such as location research and scouting, location surveys, permits, and the link with local authorities and professionals.
Friuli Venezia Giulia Film Fund
Any legally and fiscally established EU and non-EU Film & Television Production Company is entitled to apply for the Film Fund.
The Film Fund provides for grants in cash to the audiovisual productions filming in Friuli Venezia Giulia.
Said contributions vary upon the production’s period of stay in the regional territory. They range from the maximum annual grant of 150.000 Euro designated for productions filming in the region for a minimum of 35 days, to a grant of up to 5.000 Euro designated for productions filming in the region for at least 5 days.
Federico Poilucci – President
Gianluca Novel – Film Commissioner
Guido Cassano – Film Commissioner
Ph: +39 040.3720142 Fax: +39 040.0641329
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Lombardia Film Commission | Local film fund
Alberto Contri – President
Minnie Ferrara
Ph: +39 02.89410090 Fax: +39 02.89422766
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Film Commission Torino Piemonte | Local Film Fund
Funding Opportunities
FIP – Film Investimenti Piemonte
FIP is a revolving fund, with a single company partner – Film Commission Torino Piemonte
– which was created to invest in projects with potential for high economic returns in the Piedmond region and/or an original editorial structure. Through the skilled management’s
careful selection of works, FIP supports feature films set in Piedmont which decide to spend at least the total amount of the financial contribution on the territory.
FIP aims to invest in Italian productions or international co-productions, in a co-partecipation agreement and promoting venture capital investments wich can include: screen rights acquisition, priority on each movie’s income, other financing possibilities to be determined according to risk and yield parameters FIP can grant funds for up to six productions per year, and target investments are up to
200.000 euro (up to 100.000 for first/second feature films).
The first selection will take into consideration the following parameters: director’s and production companies’ professional profiles; potential distribution agreement; economic impact on the territory; financial strategy.
TorinoFilmLab is a year-round, international laboratory that supports emerging talents from all over the world working on their first and second feature films, through training,
development and funding activities. Linked to the Torino Film Festival, TorinoFilmLab is promoted by the main film institutions established in Turin and Piedmont – Museo
Nazionale del Cinema and Film Commission Torino Piemonte. TorinoFilmLab started in 2008 with an annual budget of 1.000.000 euro for all activities, granted by the Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali, Regione Piemonte and Città di Torino. The three main fields of intervention of TorinoFilmLab are:
TorinoFilmLab runs several activities and offers various forms of support in each of this fields.The training initiatives Script&Pitch and Writer’s Room, as well as the preproduction-and development-focused FrameWork programme run parallel during the year.
They all reach their conclusive moment at the TorinoFilmLab Final Meeting Event in November during the Torino Film Festival, when projects are presented to a selected group of producers, sales agents, distributors and other professionals from all over the world working in independent filmmaking.
Piemonte Doc Film Fund
Piemonte Doc Film Fund, the first Film Fund in Italy exclusively dedicated to supporting documentaries, is aimed at supporting films produced by companies and film-makers based in Piemonte, and open to Italian and foreign productions for projects on subjects related to the local area involving local companies and professionals in the production and postproduction stage, if they find a company based in Piemonte as a partner/co-producer.
Piemonte Doc Film Fund offers support in one or two of the following stages:
▄ Project development (research, writing, teaser or promo production, fund-raising,
search of co-productions and advance sales);
▄ Production (shooting in Piemonte, post-production at local studios)
A reply is guaranteed within 60 days.
International applicants require a Piemonte-based company as a partner/co-producer.
Davide Bracco – Director
Daniele Segre – Production Manager
Ph: +39 011.2379201 Fax: +39 011.2379299
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Lucania Film Commission
Basilicata between movies and landscapes
The Lucania Film Commission Foundation aims to promote and support italian and foreign companies which would shoot film, television, audiovisual and advertising productions in Basilicata. Its mission also includes the promotion and the enhancement of artistic and environmental heritage, the historical memory and the traditions of the communities of Basilicata, the professional and technical resources of the region, in the view of creating attractive conditions for film productions in our region.
Film found for filmmakers
The production and distribution of films and audiovisual works created in the region will have a special support thanks to the subsidies provided by the establishment of a specific fund (Film Fund). Filmakers will get services, information, organizational and logistical facilities. Other goal of the Foudation is to facilitate the participation of Lucanian productions to national and international specialized film festivals in order to enhance cultural diversity expressed by the territory. The Film Commission also has the ambition to promote inter-regional and international co-productions. For this purpose it will activate coordinated activities with other Italian Film Commission.
Managing director: Paride Leporace
Sede di Potenza: Corso Umberto I, 28
telefono: +39 0971 665034
fax: +39 0971 668277
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Film Commission Vallée D’Aoste | Local Film Fund
Film Fund
The objective of the Fund is to promote and enhance the landscape and cultural assets of the Aosta Valley by supporting the production of film, audiovisual and multimedia works. It also aims to stimulate and support local employment and to contribute to the creation of qualified professional resources.
The Fund for the development of audivisual production is active from 2012.
Chapter I Audiovisual production development fund
The Fund’s main objective is to promote and enhance the value of the Aosta Valley’s heritage of culture, environment, landscapes, tourism, ruralism, history and traditions, through the production of films, audiovisual and multimedia works.
The beneficiaries of the Fund can be independent, Italian, European or foreign audiovisual and multimedia production companies, Italian and international television editors that wish to set or shoot their film in the Aosta Valley, bringing out the value of the geographic and cultural aspects of the region and of its local professionalism.
The grant applications must be submitted to the Film Commission Vallée d’Aoste Foundation in the first ten days of each month.
The Film Commission Vallée d’Aoste awards to the projects evaluated successfully a grant issued from its Fund up to 80,000 euro in view of expenses made by the applicant in the territory, amounting to 150% of the sum demanded.
Chapter II Support audiovisual productions of particular artistic and economic value The Fund’s purpose is to promote and bring out the value of the Aosta Valley’s heritage of culture, environment, landscapes, tourism, ruralism, history and traditions, through the development of audiovisual and multimedia projects produced primarily in the region.
The beneficiaries of the Fund can be independent Italian, European or non-European audiovisual and multimedia production companies, Italian and international television editors.
The grant applications must be submitted to the Film Commission Vallée d’Aoste Foundation, along with a written presentation of the project, an expense estimate, and a budget plan. The applications may be presented at any moment.
The Film Commission Vallée d’Aoste will award a grant issued from its Fund up to 180,000 euro to the projects evaluated successfully. This funding will allow the applicant to face expenses in the territory, to be justified by means of a written statement presented to the Board of Directors of the Film Commission Vallée d’Aoste. In all cases, the sum demanded should not exceed 50% of the industrial cost of the project.
Chapter III Documentary film and first works production development fund The Fund’s main objective is to promote and value the creation of documentary films and so-called first works, providing incentives for the growth and development of new talents.
The Fund is also intended to foster the development of regional businesses working the sector of high-quality audiovisual productions, thereby contributing to the qualification of professional regional resources, stimulating and supporting local employment.
The Film Commission Vallée d’Aoste Foundation will issue a call for application to which candidates may respond to by submitting their application, the project budget and their curriculum vitae. The Foundation can grant funding to professionals, foundations, associations and independent production companies.
The Film Commission Vallée d’Aoste awards to the projects evaluated successfully a grant issued from its Fund up to 50,000 euro in view of expenses made by the applicant in the territory, amounting to 120% of the sum demanded. In all cases, the sum demanded should not exceed 50% of the total cost of the project.
Chapter IV Post-production and distribution support fund The Fund’s main objective is to support the finalization and distribution of projects that contribute to promoting the image of the Aosta Valley and its heritage, or which strengthen the productive fabric and stimulate local employment.
The Foundation can grant funding to professionals, foundations, associations and independent production companies that intend to carry out in the Aosta Valley the post-production phase and/or activities related to film, audiovisual or multimedia distribution.
The candidate fulfilling the above-mentioned description can submit a grant application to the Film Commission Vallée d’Aoste Foundation in the first ten days of each month The Film Commission Vallée d’Aoste awards to the projects evaluated successfully a grant issued from its Fund up to 20,000 euro in view of expenses made by the applicant in the territory, amounting to 120% of the sum demanded.
Luciano Barisone – Chairman
Alessandra Miletto – Director
Ph: + 39 0165.261790 Fax: 0165 261790
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Film Commission Regione Campania
Valerio Caprara – President
Maurizio Gemma – Chief Executive Officer
Ph: +39 081.4206091 Fax: +39 081.7904221; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Sardegna Film Commission | Local Film Fund
Sardinia Film Commission was born with the aim of promoting, supporting film and audiovisual production in the Island and offering new opportunities to the professionals in the Island. The Sardinia Regional office contributes to the release of authorizations and offers assistance services to those people who come to shoot in the Island, giving preliminary technical, logistic and bureaucratic information also with data banks.
Film Fund
The Region of Sardinia is investing on the cinema through a regional law and the creation of two major agencies: The Sardegna Film Commission and the Cineteca Regionale Sarda – The Regional Film Library of Sardinia. The law states that the cinema is a means of artistic expression, cultural growth, communication, and social and economic development. In order to encourage the regional film industry, each year the Regional Government publishes calls for proposals aimed at supporting the production and distribution of film of regional interest.
In particular the following typologies are granted: script (individual firms, production companies); short film (individual person, individual firms, production companies); full-length film (production companies), at the moment through a revolving fund to help sustain expenses for board and accomodation. In 2014 just under 500.000 euros were awarded.
Maria Nevina Satta
Ph: +39 070.2041961 / Fax: +39 070.6064026
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Toscana Film Commission | Local Film Fund
Funding Opportunities
Toscana Film Commission has two different opportunities of production incentives:
- Cinema Fund
- Incoming Fund
Cinema Fund
Film producers who may decide to shoot in Tuscany should apply to the Cinema Fund – a financial service, established by the Regione Toscana in order to support and develop audiovisual productions and to promote the Tuscan territory.
The following may have access to the fund: first works and second works (full-length films or short films for cinema and also other similar audiovisual works, like television productions) and documentaries. Substantially speaking, there are two types of funding possibilities: nonreturnable funding (for documentaries and first works) and production share funding (coproductions) for second works, that is, for all those works that are not to be considered debut works.
Funding of first works may reach 200,000 euro for each of the admitted works and funding must not exceed 50% of production costs and it is conditioned by the fact that 100% of the fund’s amount must be spent on the territory. At least 50% of outdoor shooting must be carried out in Tuscany. The same percentage of outdoor shootings holds true for second works for which funding may reach 450,000 euro, granted that at least 150% of the funds allocated by the Region be spent on the Tuscan territory. For documentaries, there is a threshold of 50,000 euro, which may cover up to 70% of productions costs.
A special Commission, consisting in a film critic, two directors of Tuscan Film Festivals and two regional officials, will have the task of assessing and selecting projects.
Assessment criteria will be based upon two priority requirements: the project’s quality and its actual enhancement of the Tuscan identity. However, there are also other criteria to be considered: the prospect of a return on the investment (in the case of venture capital or of an advanced purchase of copyrights), the project’s actual feasibility, the economic spin-off on the Tuscan territory (in terms of how much it fosters services, the employment of skilled workers and of local professions).
Incoming Fund
Tuscany Film Commission supports cinema through an “Incoming Fund” aimed at reducing the costs incurred in the territory: accomodation, catering, space rental, cars rental etc. and only for documentaries post-production costs too.
Stefania Ippoliti – Manager of audiovisual and cinema activities
Raffaella Conti – TFC Staff Coordinator
Ph: +39 055.2719035 Fax +39 055.2719027
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Trentino Film Commission | Local Film Fund
Opened in 2010, the Trentino Film Commission promotes and supports film, television and documentary productions, both in Italy and abroad, that aim at increasing the value of and at disseminating the cultural, environmental and historical heritage of Trentino.
The TFC can offer logistic support to production units through location scouting, special hotel deals, the involvement of professionals working in the region and contacts with local public authorities and the police forces.
Film Fund
The Trentino Film Commission fund has a total annual endowment of 1,200,000 euro for supporting the creation and distribution of movie, television and documentary companies that favor economic development in Trentino and promote the cultural, environmental and historical heritage of the province of Trento.
The fund offers financing of up to 200,000 euro free grant for film and television productions. Funding must not exceed 50 % of production costs and it is conditioned by the fact that 150% of the fund’s amount must be spent on the territory.
Professionals operating in the sector.
Giampaolo Pedrotti – President
Laura Zumiani – Production Manager
Luca Ferrario – Production Manager
Ph: + 39 0461.492667 / Fax: +39 0461.495460
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Venice Film Commission |
Roberto Ellero – Coordinator
Chiara Mendolia – Cinema Desk
Ph: +39 041.2792604 Fax: +39 041.272694
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Veneto Region | Local Film Fund – Veneto Region
Veneto Film and Audiovisual Fund
The regional fund is in the process of being re-financed. It comes under the form of a grant and tt is strictly linked to the time spent shooting within the region. This can range from a maximum of 75,000 euros for a six week shoot to a minimum of 5000 euros for a single week.
Emilia Romagna Film Commission
Claudia Belluzzi – Commissioner
Ph: +39 051.5273646;
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Sicilia Film Commission
Ph: +39 091.7078180
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Abruzzo Film Commission
Patrizio Guerrini– Commissioner
Ph/Fax: +39 0864 847029; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Film Commission Bologna
Gian Luca Farinelli – Commissioner
Ph: +39 051.2194820 / Fax: +39 051.2194821
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Fondazione Calabria Film Commission
Gianluca Curti – President
Michele Geria – Production and Location Manager
Alessandra Rotella – Coordinator
Ph: +39 0961.742800 Fax: +39 0961.746296
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Genova Liguria Film Commission
Andrea Rocco
Matteo Massari
Ph: + 39 010.8680850 / Fax: +39 010.8681399
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Italian Riviera – Alpi del Mare Film Commission
Cisano sul Neva (Savona)
Alessandra Bergero
Ph: +39 0182.595042 Fax: + 39 0182.8430888
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Marche Film Commission
Anna Olivucci – Film Commission Manager
Sofia Cecchetti – Film Commissioner
Daisy De Nardis – Film Commissioner
Ph: +39 071.205403 / Fax: +39 071.205403
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Please bear in mind that not all funding is available every year. Better to check in with us first.